Author: onesourcebenefitsoh
Website: http://www.onesourcebenefits.com/
About Author: Tracy Mc Manamon is the CEO of One Source Benefits, Ohio. He and his associates offer affordable and comprehensive Ohio health insurance to clients.
Published articles: 10
Author Articles List
Ohio Short Term Health Insurance – Safety Net for Laid-off Workers
Obamacare in Ohio – Individual Health Insurance Premiums to go up, says…
Ohio Open Enrollment – Time to Evaluate Your Medicare Coverage
Medicare’s open enrollment period offers you the chance to make changes to your Ohio Medicare Supplement, Medigap or Medicare Advantage Plans or prescription drug coverage for the upcoming year. This is the time to evaluate your Medicare coverage and make changes to improve your health insurance and drug coverage.
Kentucky Individual Health Insurance Plans – Need to Assess Your Options
Choosing a Suitable Ohio Short Term Health Insurance Plan
Ohio Individual Health Insurance for Students
Finding Affordable Ohio Health Insurance
Ohio health insurance companies provide several types of affordable plans for individuals, families, and employers. The best way to get affordable Ohio health insurance quotes is to find a professional, independent health insurance agent to represent you. Though all health insurance rates are fixed by law, there are many affordable options available. A dependable agent …
How Kentucky Individual Health Insurance Differs from Group Insurance
Individual health insurance is meant for people who are not in an employer-sponsored or government-assisted health plan. Group insurance, as the name implies, refers to the coverage that an employer sponsors for his employees and their dependents. Most people have this kind of coverage. The employer co-shares the payment towards the monthly premium with the …
How to Choose the Right Ohio Individual Health Insurance Plan
Health insurance companies in Ohio offer several types of health plans. If you are employed, choosing a plan would not be complicated as most employers offer only one or two health insurance options. However, if you are shopping for coverage on your own, you would be faced with the question of how to choose the …