Help for the blind

April 8, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Wellness

More than 40 million people, worldwide,  are estimated to be blind. Add to this the number who have a visual impairment, including those who use eye-glasses everyday, and the conclusion is obvious- Problem with the eyesight is something that affects every family.

To be blind, completely or partially, is something that can affect the quality of life very much. To be constantly dependant on others for even small things can be difficult. A simple thing like getting dressed, for example, how to know what colors to match. Getting to work, taking the bus or subway. How to know which station to get off, and so forth. There are many things that people take for granted which can become an enormous obstacle if your eye-sight is not the best.

A great help for blind people is the Braille alphabet. This was developed by a little French boy more than 100 years ago, and is still widely used. It allows a person to read with the fingertips. There are Braille libraries and other Braille books for sale. But Braille is also used on many other objects. For example, there is Braille Monopoly and Uno-cards! This will allow a blind person to participate in games with the family. There are Braille labels for the computer key-board, watches with Braille, and many more useful things.

To raise awareness about Braille and its usefulness, a National Braille Week is arranged every year in January, in the UK. All over the US, there are also Braille competitions for children. This is both a goal which helps them work on their Braille-skills, as well as an opportunity to meet other children who are also blind.

Many have friends or family who have some kind of problem with their eye-sight, some more so than others. What can be done to support and help them?  One thing is to help raising funds for research, guide-dog training, or similar. What about a Braille-lunch? There is also the possibility to volunteer with different organizations which arrange help for the blind, like reading to blind students.

Being blind is not pleasant, but many have overcome the obstacles and live fully satisfying lives. There are many lawyers, doctors and teachers who are completely blind! Why, one of the few persons in the world who have conquered Mount Everest as well as the Seven Summits is blind! With a little technical help, almost everything is possible. Technology, Braille, and other resources have opened many doors to the blind!


There is a lot to discover in life, and I am happy to have my children with me during the journey. We love cooking, travelling and reading. Taking pictures of nature and other things that come in our way also keep us busy. With digital cameras it is so easy to fix pictures and use them for a lot of things, including Zazzle. Writing articles is also fun, especially when we can include some of our pictures!

This author has published 10 articles so far.

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