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Wall Decals

June 27, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Improvement

Wall decals are fast becoming one of the hottest decorating phenomenons this year, as they are very inexpensive and easy to use.  Wall decals are essentially stickers that are made to go on interior walls and windows of homes (or offices) to add color and highlight an area in your home without having to buy …

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Google Analytics

June 27, 2011 | Author: | Posted in On-line

If you own a website and want to see what traffic you are getting, the best tool to use is a free tool, Google Analytics.  Google Analytics is easy to integrate to most websites, and most web designers can add the code for you in a matter of minutes. If you are using a blog …

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All About Equine Recurrent Uveitis

June 26, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Horses

Equine Recurrent Uveitis is a disease of the eye which affects all equines, domesticated or otherwise.  It is also known as ERU, Periodic Ophthalmia, Recurrent Iridocyclitis but more commonly called Moon Blindness. Equine Recurrent Uveitis can affect all horses, but seems to be most prevalent in the Appaloosa breed.  In fact  Appaloosas are eight times more likely to suffer with ERU than …

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The Best Web Browsers on the ‘net

June 24, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Internet

Did you know that your online content looks different depending on what browser your readers are using?   This can have a huge impact on their experience on your site and influence potential sales or click-throughs.   With the plethora of web browsers available there still seems to be five that stand out. They are …


All about the Google Chromebook

June 24, 2011 | Author: | Posted in laptops

Google have just released their long awaited take on the netbook: The Chromebook.  Although it has been heavily marketed on TV and online (and who does SEO better than Google itself?) many people still do not know what a Chromebook is, so I’ll attempt to explain it. Netbooks are ideal for people who want a laptop specifically for browsing the …


A Canadian Painter Of Native Americans

June 7, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Pastels

Using pastels as his favored medium to paint with, the Canadian artist Nicholas de Grandmaison spent over forty years of his career doing portraits of Native Americans or the First Nations of North America. Born in Russia from an aristocratic lineage, Nicholas de Grandmaison lived and created art in Canada for most of his artistic …
