Family planning does not always work

February 27, 2011 | Author: | Posted in Other

Many people today plan when to have children. First I will pursue my career then, I will have children. After I finish university I want to work for a few years. Then, I will have children. We want to travel the world. Then, we will have children. This is all very good. Being ready, both mentally and financially, is a good start for a family. Having children when you really want it yourself is better for everybody involved.

Reality, though, is that having a child is not like buying milk from the grocery store. You can never be sure you will conceive exactly when and if you want. There are many tests available these days, to know when ovulation takes place, in that way making conception more likely. The problem is that it is still a mystery of nature, as a lot of women have experienced. In some cases, it has taken many years to conceive from when they started trying.

Then, there is the group of women who conceive easily enough. But something goes wrong, and they miscarriage. This is a very common problem. Some researchers suggest 1 out of 5, or even 1 out of 3, pregnancies end with a miscarriage. Very seldom is there a known reason for the ending of the pregnancy. Most miscarriages take place during the first three months, and most likely the cause is chromosomal. The baby could not develop properly.

For a woman, this can be a devastating experience. (as well as for the father!) Often, the woman will blame herself for what has happened, even though the doctors say it is not her fault. For many, having another baby as soon as possible is a great help. There are also many websites, with personal experiences and medical explanations. Reading about others who have experienced the same tragedy does help many times. There are also online forums where one can participate and get support.

Having children is a great blessing. If they come at the right or wrong time does not matter, they are welcome any time! If getting pregnant is difficult, the advice most often given is to relax. When you try too hard, and get stressed about it, the body seems to hold back. Whether it is by choice, or not, a life without children can also be rich and wonderful.


There is a lot to discover in life, and I am happy to have my children with me during the journey. We love cooking, travelling and reading. Taking pictures of nature and other things that come in our way also keep us busy. With digital cameras it is so easy to fix pictures and use them for a lot of things, including Zazzle. Writing articles is also fun, especially when we can include some of our pictures!

This author has published 10 articles so far.

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